2007年5月15日 星期二

Light Rail (輕軌)

The serious traffic problem Macao is now facing is similar to that of Hong Kong in the year 1960s. By that time, as there was an expansion of Hong Kong’s economy, it also caused continuous problems to the traffic. In order to solve the matter, the Hong Kong Government built the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) which could carry a large amount of passengers every time. Since the booming of gaming industry, Macao has been facing the same problem similar to the one that Hong Kong once had. Traffic problem became serious in Macao. Therefore, the government needs to think of a solution to it. The government of Macao learned and followed the resolution of Hong Kong; and tried to do the same thing to solve similar problems. They wanted to use the ‘rail rapid-transit system’ (MTR) as the solution. Unfortunately, Macao has a great difference with its extremely small land area, and with the reason that ‘it would cost three or four times more to build the underground rail than the elevated system’ (Macaubusiness); and it has also been said that there are a lot of electricity wires below the areas of Lisboa, therefore it is not possible to dig an underground and build the MTR. The government of Macao wanted to build a mass transit but could not follow exactly what Hong Kong did and build an underground railway. Therefore, ‘the Macao SAR government asked for some experts of the Hong Kong MTR Corporation Limited about opinions and finally came up with a suggestion’ (Macau Light Transit System). That is, to build the elevated light rail transit system. In which the railways are built above the roads. ‘The supporting columns footprint will occupy a minimum amount of road network surface’ (Macao LRT System In-depth Study), so that it will not affect greatly on people’s daily lives. Additionally, it can also help to ‘relieve the growing traffic congestion’ (Macaubusiness) that Macao is now having.

‘This proposal was introduced to the public by the Government in October 2006' (Macau Light Transit System). The proposed project has been undergoing the introduction to the public; and had only been finally decided to be built on 04 May 2007 due to the complaint and demonstration of the serious traffic problems in Macao on 01 May 2007. On 04 May 2007, the MSAR government had announced that the Macao Light Transit System will begin in 2008, month still unknown (Macao Daily News). The estimated time for the construction of the first-phase of the light rail is about 4 years (Macau Light Transit System). Hopefully, the first-phase of the transport can be ready by 2012. But 'the whole planned network may require 8 years to be completely built. The proposed system is similar to the Singapore Light Rapid Transit, which is a driverless system. The network would be comprised of three lines: Loop Line, which is a circular route on the Macau Peninsula connecting with the Macao-Taipa Line. Macau-Taipa Line, a route with connections with the Airport Shuttle Line on Taipa and the Loop Line on the Macau Peninsula via Ponte de Sai Van. The lower deck of the Sai Van Bridge is reserved for the light rail. Airport Shuttle Line, a spur line of the Macau-Taipa Line to Macau International Airport’ (Macau Light Transit System).

‘The Macao SAR Government by the meantime is till carrying out an intensified research on the introduction of a rapid transit railway system into Macao' (Macao Light Rapid Transit System In-depth Study); and already made a thorough plan of it. They hoped that by doing this, they can create favourable conditions and achieve some long-term goals like: to relieve the pressure on the public transportation system is the main aim. Next, they also wanted to enhance the capacity to serve large number of tourists, so that more people will come to visit Macao and they could make more money. Third, they can promote the integration of the MSAR in the Pearl River Delta. Fourth, this kind of system can reduce pollution, which the government has also been concerned about. Fifth, the light rapid transit system can provide a reliable, safe, high-capacity and comfortable public transportation service to their people, hence, improving the quality of people’s lives at the same time. Finally, it also pushes forward the sustainable development of Macao (Macao Light Rapid Transit System In-depth Study).

The Macao government had summed up some characteristics of the proposed elevated light rail transit system. They are: A 2-car-train can carry around 200 passengers each time. A 4 car-train can carry up to 8,000 passengers per hour per direction with a 3 minute headway. An average headway takes about 3 to 6 minutes. Supporting columns footprint they are going to use will occupy a minimum amount of road network surface and will not affect greatly on the road traffic. The light rail will use recyclable traction energy and it will be equipped with a reliable evacuation system. The viaducts will be designed in order to minimize the visual impact. In addition, the light rail is a kind of reliable, safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly system. Moreover, rubber tyres will be used as to reduce noise it will make; and this can reduce noise pollution to the city (Macao Light Rapid Transit System In-depth Study).

Additionally, the MSAR government had also thought of the train and station design. Platform screen doors will be installed for safety. They will also introduce the environmentally friendly design in the stations in order to make good use of natural light and ventilation. Escalators and lifts will be available inside the stations; and in the major stations, feeder and interchange facilities for other public transports will also be provided (Macao Light Rapid Transit System In-depth Study). All these sounds very good and caring for the passengers.

By the meantime, the MSAR government had proposed:

the Border Gate, Areia Preta, Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal, NAPE, Nam Van District and Barra
(關閘, 黑沙環, 外港碼頭, 新口岸新填海區, 南灣區, 媽閣)

as the stops of the Macao peninsula; and

Sai Van Bridge, Macao Stadium, Bifurcation in Baia da Nossa Senhora da Esperanca, separate routes connecting the Macau International Airport and Pac On Ferry Terminal or COTAI
(西灣大橋, 澳門運動場, 望德聖母灣, 可分別往澳門國際機場、北安碼頭或路乙水城) to be stops of the Taipa island.
To start with, the first-phase of the development will be constructed. Proposed route of the first-phase development would be chosen from either route A or B and also a decision from route C or D. The alignment options of route A includes:

the Border Gate, Avenida Norte do Hipodromo, Avenida do Nordeste, Avenida de Venceslau de Morais, Rua dos Pescadores and Avenida da Amizade of the North District.
(關閘, 馬場北大馬路, 東北大馬路, 慕拉士大馬路, 漁翁街, 友誼大馬路)

Route B includes:

the Border gate, Avenida Norte do Hipodromo, Avenida Leste do Hipodromo, Estrada Marginal da Areia Preta, Avenida Dr. Francisco Vieira Machado and Avenida da Amizade in the North District.
(關閘, 馬場北大馬路, 馬場東大馬路, 黑沙環海邊馬路, 馬揸度博士大馬路, 友誼大馬路)

Or the alignment options could be route C or D. The alignment options of route C will then be:

Av. da Amizade, Av. Dr. Sun Yat Sen and Av. 24 de Junho of NAPE,
(友誼大馬路, 孫逸仙大馬路, 城市日大馬路)


Av. da Amizade, Rua de Londres and Av. 24 de Junho in NAPE (Macao Light Rapid Transit System In-depth Study).
(友誼大馬路, 倫敦街, 城市日大馬路)

The government is consulting their people about which route they would prefer to choose, route A or B and route C or D.

Reference: Ip, Y. C. (2005). inmediahk. Columns. ‘The problematic Macau Light Transit System (Macau Light Transit System Report I)’.

Reference: Ip, Y. C. (2005). inmediahk. Columns. ‘The expanding Macao (Macau Light Transit System Report II)’.

Reference: Macao Daily News (2007) 'The Macao Light Rapid Transit System will begin next year and finish in four years'. 04/05/2007.

Reference: Wikipedia MTR

Reference: Wikipedia Macau Light Transit System

Reference: Macao Light Rapid Transit System In-depth Study (2006). Publisher: Macao Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China – Office for Infrastructure Development

Reference: Macaubusiness 'Taking the High Road' 8 November 2006.
